Industry Regulation Revamp in Six Months - Unravelling Red Tape
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Industry Regulation Revamp in Six Months


Government announced a fundamental shift in the regulation of the industry, with a 6 month timeline to the proposed implementation date.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) was taking over responsibility for the industry’s regulation.


We set up a Working Group of industry participants to work through the proposed regulations and provide appropriate resolutions.
We worked closely with the Minister’s office and with a number of relevant government departments.

Our ‘wins’ included:

Removing imprisonment as a penalty, except for particularly serious offences

Reduced financial penalties

Removing strict liability offences

Defences were reinstated

Introduced materiality thresholds

Legal professional privilege was reinstated

Financial sector peak industry groups congratulated us on the level of engagement we had reached with the government and asked us for tips to increase their own engagement.