Bussing About? - Unravelling Red Tape
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Bussing About?

Bussing About?

Dear Here to Help,

Recently, it seems to be more and more difficult to use public transport. I thought maybe busses were arriving or leaving early, but when I check the NSW government information online, it says the services were cancelled.

How are we meant to use public transport when it’s so hard? If I can’t rely on public transport, I need to make other arrangements to get to work and get the kids to school. But when people can’t rely on public transport, there are even fewer people using it, so more services are cancelled. It’s like a Catch-22 that stops people using public transport.

Thanks for your query.

You are not alone in your frustration with bus cancellations. There is media coverage, including media releases from the new NSW government, about this.

Public busses have been privatised and it seems that the privatisation contract penalises the private bus providers for being late, but usually not for cancelling bus services.

The former NSW government, which privatised bus services, also held an inquiry into the privatisation of bus services and you can find details here.

Unfortunately, it seems that the privatised bus services have been contracted and it may be difficult to change them.
The best thing you can do is contact your local State politician – you can find your local MP here.

This article comes from my column entitled “Here to Help” in Hunter Local, October 2023. If you have an everyday problem just begging for a simple, real world solution, send it to “Here to Help” and let’s see what we can achieve.

Elaine Abery has a closet full of great ideas and empowering solutions. She’s also the Director of Unravelling Red Tape, a company dedicated to helping everyday people, not-for-profits and companies change the world through improved decision-making and legislation.

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